MTHFR Mutation

Why the MTHFR Mutation Matters 

A major genetic mutation that you need to be aware of is the MTHFR mutation.  This gene can have some serious impacts on fertility, conceiving, and carrying a baby

MTHFR stands for Methylenetetrahydrofolatereductase....and this will be literally the ONLY time I type out the full word! JK let's do this one more time but with a little variation....


Now that I did that, you can guess what this gene is in charge of. Yep- FOLATE. Now most women, especially those trying to conceive, know that folate is SUPER VITAL in pregnancy.  It is also super important in pre-conception and trying to conceive.  (think neural tube development AKA spinal cord❗) 

When you have an MTHFR mutation, worse when you have multiple (yes that's a thing too!), your body cannot process folate, leading to high levels of homocysteine.

High homocysteine leads to early miscarriage and high blood pressure during pregnancy.

🌟Test for yourself!

Test positive for mutations or  already know you have the MTHFR mutations? Message me for more information on how to overcome this in your fertility journey!


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