Insulin Resistance and Fertility

 Insulin resistance appears to be a leading cause of infertility.  

Surprised? Think about this...

🠊insulin is your body's response to utilizing the sugar in your bloodstream-- aka for ENERGY

Now if you have too much sugar in your bloodstream, you have to produce A LOT of insulin to clean up the blood...repeat this pattern over and over and over, 24/7, 365 and you have a big problem.  It's called insulin resistance.  Your body literally cannot keep up with the demand and the cells become 
de-sensitized to the insulin signaling, leaving you with a broken process.

Why does this affect fertility? Because it affects the LIVER

The liver is in charge of detoxifying the body, breaking down all foods, and balancing fertility hormones.  If you have too much sugar in the body, it cannot break down the foods as efficiently or detox the body.  The liver becomes overloaded and will not balance the hormones.  

The body works in order of prioritization.  It is MORE important for your organs to be working properly than for you to conceive a child. Example- the liver produces blood clotting proteins.  The liver will choose to produce these proteins needed FIRST before balancing estrogen and progesterone. AKA being able to create a scab versus conceiving a child.

Here's another thought- insulin resistance is NOT dependent on weight, meaning you do not have to be overweight to be insulin resistant.  While overweight is a sign of insulin resistance, here's a few more:

--> inactive lifestyle

--> PCOS diagnosis

--> tingling in hands or feet

--> frequent infections

What you need to do ASAP:

- increase protein in your diet, preferably PLANT protein (beans, seeds, nuts)

- increase your activity levels; aim for 4-5 days with 30+ minutes of movement

- get Pink Stork Fertility Blend


insulin resistance = poor liver function = unbalanced hormones = no babies


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