Why Fertility?

Fertility is a Journey

 Fertility is a topic that is near and dear to my heart.  As a teenager and into my 20's, I have had terrible pelvic pain throughout the month, mostly during my period like every woman ever it seemed.  I was not convinced this was normal. I would faint. I would get lightheaded. I never seemed to have energy.  I couldn't lose weight.  Finally, after 9 doctors (I kid you not), I was diagnosed and treated laparoscopically for endometriosis.  This was in 2016, literally a few weeks before my wedding.

Steve and I decided to start trying right away for a baby, having been told from my surgeon that we most likely would need to consult a fertility doctor. After a few months, I decided to have a consult to make sure everything was okay even with the endometriosis "gone." (As you probably know, it grows back.) Anyway, long story short, my hormones were "balanced," but the fertility doc suggested we do IUI anyway. 2 IUIs later, we were pregnant. Yay! 

12 weeks later, we were not.  We were told "it happens."
No other explanation.  
It happens. 

I will fill you in on the rest of my story as this blog continues, but for now, let me end with this. 
It does not just happen.  There's a reason - chromosomes, blood clotting factors, implantation issues, hormonal drops, etc.  This began my huge passion in fertility.  

"It happens" is not enough for me.  I am demanding more.  I am here to provide that "more" through holistic and alternative approaches to fertility. Cycle charting, diet, exercise, alignment, acupuncture - there is  A LOT we can do outside of the fertility office to help support your journey.  

First tip from me-- download the Premom app and start charting your cycles. Only until you start charting your cycle can you truly see what is going on.


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