Chiropractic and Fertility

Chiropractic Care and Fertility

When you think of fertility, you think IVF, embryo transfers, lots and lots of hormone shots. You don’t think of chiropractic adjustments. That’s totally fair. You’re thinking of the direct links to fertility, not the big whole picture.

To have the best and healthiest pregnancy, we do need to look at the whole picture. We need to prepare your baby’s home for the next 10 months. (Yes TEN months!)  

So chiropractic in a nutshell balances the nerves, resets the spinal cord, and establishes the best communication between brain and body. How does this work? “Popping your joints” actually moves very specific joints that, when stuck, will pinch nerves and inhibit communication.

This chart shows you the nerves from your lumbar spine communicate with the adrenal glands, bladder, and reproductive systems.  These nerves must be working in order for the organs to work.  If there is any misalignment, there will be a disruption in communication.

Here's another example:

The safety pin acts as the circuit between brain and the body.  When closed, it works perfectly- brain and body communicate as they should.  When it is open, there is a misfire, and communications are not efficient.  Brain doesn't know what the body is doing and vice versa.

So what does this have to do with fertility?!?!

It's simple.  In order for your body to conceive and carry a baby, your body needs to be in alignment. I am not talking about the occasional rib popping out or you sleeping on your neck wrong one night.  I am talking about the chronic day to day actions that cause a break in the cycle, that cause miscommunications between the brain and the body AKA your reproductive organs.  

Your body needs to be able to consistently ovulate, rise in hormones, drop when not pregnant, and maintain a high level when pregnant. That's a lot of communication between the brain and the body. Not only that but organs need to be able to communicate with each other as well.  That's a whole deeper level of communication, and it is VITAL that the brain be able to balance the communication.  The only way this can happen is when your body is in alignment.  

Alignment happens with chiropractic adjustments. Period.


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